Spring is here…

The grass is above the ankles, the bees and baby trees survived the winter, and the horses are already using the shelters already to get away from flies.

The clinic with Days End Farm Horse Rescue staff trainers Sara and Leigha was wonderful. They met each participant and each horse where they were in the moment - from trust building through target training, to the finer points of poll bending with experienced riders, to proper haltering techniques, to trotting alongside new riders - they approached it all with knowledge, joy, humor, and respect for everyone involved. It was just a pleasure to witness.

The bliss of the day was compounded by the efforts of a dear friend and former colleague who came down from D.C. to make sure no one went hungry - the spread was truly incredible.

And at the end of the day, Sara and Leigha left with a trailer one horse lighter. We are the proud adopters of Cha Cha - an Appalachian Brumby. If you have not heard about the plight of these herds in West Virginia, it is worth knowing about. Lots of good people are putting in incredible efforts to help these horses. Organizations such as Heart of Phoenix Horse Rescue and the Appalachian Legacy Initiative are pouring their hearts and souls into helping these horses. Cha was taken in by Days End Farm Horse Rescue from the Kentucky Humane Society to put in the time necessary to train and rehome her. To say that Leigha did an incredible job with her would be a gross understatement. No words can summarize the love and skill Leigha poured into Cha, which is evident from the trust and willingness she presents. We are beyond humbled to have been trusted with her care for the rest of her life. In the few short days she has been with us, she has already taught a 9-year-old what “self-awareness” actually means. Something most of us struggle to learn in a lifetime.




Beyond the Saddle Clinic